
Thursday 30 January 2014

Introducing #filophotofriday

I really enjoy taking part in Yay, for Fridays! photo challenge every three months.  I have flirted with others in the past but I find doing monthly challenges one after another too much of a hassle and it stops being fun.  This is where the idea for a once a week challenge came from.  It should be easy enough to take a photo when you have a spare five minutes, a good idea and the right lighting (or is that just me?  It's been so dark here recently!) during the week and then post it on Friday with the hashtag #filophotofriday on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter.  I hope it will be a fun way to share photos of our planners without being too much of a chore. 

I thought the first Friday in February would be a good day to start so here are the prompts for the first month of this challenge.

Everyone with any kind of planner is welcome to join in and I hope to see some of your photos next week! 

Who wants to play?

Monday 27 January 2014

My week #4

How are we at the end of week four already?  I swear January is flying by at a scary rate!  

My week in my Filofax #4

My theme this week doesn't feel very "me" but I quite like it.  I was given these stickers a while back but hadn't got round to using them until now.  I especially like the round ones to highlight any information.

Close up

Close up

I've had an idea this week which I want to tell you about but I just need a little more time to finalise things.  I think I will be able to announce it later in the week, fingers crossed!

Friday 24 January 2014

January Filofax photo-a-day challenge, week three

I wanted to post this yesterday but internet problems meant I was off line most of the afternoon, I manage to survive but it was no fun.  

Hi I'm Amanda and I'm addicted to wifi!

Anyway here are my photos from the third week of the challenge.

Day seventeen - TGIF

A little Friday treat of a caramel coffee and a box of Junior Mints, yum!

Day seventeen - TGIF

Day eighteen - where to?

The playground, the skate park and for a walk along the river.  That is quite a nice way to spend an afternoon.

Day eighteen - where to?

Day nineteen - weather

A sunny but freezing cold morning, roll on spring please!

Day nineteen - weather

Day twenty - work or play?

Playing with my new bag.  I spent the last of my Christmas money on this Cath Kidston bag because I adore the mushroom print.  It matches the mug and plate I have used on other days of this challenge.

Day twenty - work or play

Day twenty-one - say cheese

Cheese! One of my favourite lunches is cheese and crackers.

Day twenty-one - say cheese

Day twenty-two - warm and cosy

Staying warm under my duvet with Dash the cat and my Malden.

Day twenty-two - warm and cosy

Day twenty-three - tomorrow

This is the list of people who entered my giveaway.  Yesterday I said I would be announcing the winner tomorrow.

Day twenty-three - tomorrow

Day twenty-four - stripes

The strips of washi tape I keep in the pockets of my Malden look like stripes.  I like to have a choice of tape when I am away from home so wrapping it on cards is very handy.

Day twenty-four - stripes

There is still a week of the challenge left, if you would like to join in just click here for the details.

Have a great week!

And the winner is.....

Thank you to everyone who entered my giveaway!  I wrote down all the names and used a random number generator to pick the winner.

People who entered

The result

And the winner is Thy Phan!  Please contact me so I can arrange your prize.

Sorry to everyone else, I will run another giveaway soon so please keep an eye out for that.  If you would like to treat yourself to a divider you can buy one here from My Pretty Filo.

Thanks again!

Monday 20 January 2014

My week #3

My pages for week three are a bit plain, I was ill and didn't really feel like doing much with them.  They served their main purpose of keeping me organised though so it's not all bad. 

My week in my Filofax #3

At the start of the week I completed the application process for my youngest daughter to start nursery school in September.  I can't believe how quickly the time has passed and I really can't imagine what it will be like not having my little shadow around the house each morning.  I know September is still a while away but I don't feel ready to let her go just yet, she's my baby!  

Close up

Close up

I got a little behind with the photo challenge I am taking part in at the end of the week.  I have spent some time this morning catching up and ticking them off my to do lists so I am starting this week back on track.  I am going to go and make myself a cup of tea and start decorating this weeks pages now I am feeling more human.

Thanks for reading and have a great week!

Friday 17 January 2014

January Filofax photo-a-day challenge, week two

Here is the round up of my week two photos for the challenge.

Day nine - up in the air

I was in Birmingham town centre so I managed to take a photo of my Patent Filofax balanced on the horn of the Bull at the Bullring.  The Bullring is a large shopping centre in my home town and the bull statue is the 3rd most photographed landmark in the UK.  I did feel a bit daft taking this pic with people watching me but hey anything for a challenge right?

Day nine - up in the air

Day ten - stash

I loved last year's moustache trend so when I read the prompt stash this was the first thing that popped into my head!

Day ten - stash

Day eleven - this weekend I ... 

... am loving wearing pink and grey together.  On my shopping trip to the Bullring I brought this glittery pink nail polish, it goes so well with my grey jumper, pink rose brooch and pink Apex filo.

Day eleven - this weekend I ...

Day twelve - Sunday funday

I spent a relaxing Sunday reading the Beano album!

Day twelve - Sunday funday

Day thirteen - today

I was feeling the cold!  I had a big mug hot chocolate (using the last of the can of cream I brought for Christmas *sob*) and my hot water bottle to try and beat the chill.  

Day thirteen - today

Day fourteen - animal

I decided to use my cat teapot for this shot as my actual cats were being very uncooperative and kept running away from me.  I ended up doing a bit of a Mad Hatters Tea Party theme instead which I really like even if it does look a bit random.

Day fourteen - animal

Day fifteen - somewhere

I have been writing my shopping lists in my Patent filo so here it is in the trolly at the supermarket.

Day fifteen - somewhere

Day sixteen - creative

I made this front page for my pocket size Chameleon using an old birthday card.  

Day sixteen - creative

Have you entered my giveaway yet?  It finishes on the 22nd January so there's still time!

Sunday 12 January 2014

My week #2

I didn't really have a theme this week, I just went with girly.  I was inspired by the cute butterfly clip and just went from there.  

My week in my Filofax #2

This week was a big week for me as my blog was one year old!  I'm running a little giveaway to celebrate so click here to enter.  The prize is a personalised divider from My Pretty Filo to fit your Filofax.

Close up

The rest of the week has been quite quiet, the children went back to school on Tuesday so it was time to get back to our old routine.  The holidays really are over ..... 323 days until I can put the tree back up.  Can you tell I'm having a hard time letting go?

Close up

Thanks for reading and have a great week!

Wednesday 8 January 2014

January Filofax photo-a-day challenge, week one

January's challenge has started, here are the photos I have taken so far.

Day one - hello 2014

I have just realised that I haven't told you about my latest Filofax! I got it just before Christmas but didn't have the time to write a post about it over the holidays.  Here you can see a glimpse of it in my new bag, they go perfectly together!

Day one - hello 2014

Day two - brand new

I made some new tabs for my Malden using some stickers I was given.  I stuck the stickers onto some Avery NoteTabs to make them a bit stronger and it means I can reposition them when I want to. 

Day two - brand new

Day three - resolution/s

I don't really make resolutions but last year I wrote a post about things I was going to do to make me happier over the next 12 months so I was working on a follow up post for this photo.

Day three - resolution/s

Day four - fab four

On Saturday my fab four were coffee and crumpets for breakfast, the tv guide and my filo for a relaxing morning. 

Day four - fab four

Day five - write on

I am not using my Original at the moment but I had to break her out for the photo challenge as I just love how yellow she is.  Do you like my Typo pencil case? It makes me laugh when I read it!

Day five - write on

Day six - touchy feely

My favourite cushion is so soft and fluffy and my Malden looks very nice sat on top of it.

Day six - touchy feely

Day seven - with a furry friend

Here is a better look at my new Filofax, it is a Patent compact in red.  It's so shiny I love it and so does Flynn my daughter's Steiff bear.

Day seven - with a furry friend

Day eight - bright

My Original and Apex planners are both quite bright but when you put them together they really pop!  I am also showing off my new brooch which is the same colour as the strap on the apex, isn't it pretty?

Day eight - bright

If you would like to take part in Yay, for fridays! challenge click here for the details.

Have you entered my blogiversary giveaway yet? You could win a personalised divider for your Filofax from My Pretty Filo.

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday 7 January 2014

She's Eclectic is one year old - win a personalised Filofax divider to celebrate!

I can't quite believe it, my little blog is one!  It is my blogiversary!  It doesn't feel like a year since I started, it went so fast even though I documented each week.  I think I am a little more excited than I should be!

My planning style and decoration has changed a lot over the year, here is one of the first weeks I posted.

February 2013 in my A5 Apex

I'd say my photography has improved too since those first posts.

May 2013, still in my A5 Apex

And finally one of my more recent weeks.

November 2013 in my personal size Malden

Looking back at my older pages makes me wonder what will have changed by this time next year and I am glad I kept track of how this blog grew over the last 12 months.

Anyway that's enough reminiscing for now, let me tell you about the giveaway!  

I always get lots of complements about my She's Eclectic divider that I brought from My Pretty Filo so the prize is going to be your own personalised divider.  Here is a photo of mine if you haven't seen it.

Divider by My Pretty Filo

The winner can choose from a pocket, personal or A5 divider and what word they would like it to say. 

How to enter:

* You must either follow She's Eclectic on Bloglovin, with Google Friend Connect or subscribe to my posts by email (all the links for these are on the right hand side of the screen unless you are using the mobile site. If you are on the mobile site please scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the web version).  If you are already following me or have subscribed, thank you, please just complete the next two steps.

* Email me at or fill out the contact form on the left of the screen with your Google Friend Connect name, Bloglovin user name or email address so I can check your entry. 

* Comment below so I know you've entered. 

This competition will run until 12pm GMT on the 22nd January and the winner will be selected by It is an international competition so everyone is welcome to enter.  I will announce the winner on the 24th January.

The prize has been donated by the lovely Vanessa from My Pretty Filo.

Good luck everyone!

Sunday 5 January 2014

My week #1

Hello, it feels so odd to be saying week one but here we are!  My pages this week were inspired by my Christmas presents, I got this fantastic spotty bag from Cath Kidston and a cup and matching plate in her mushroom print.  I love them!

My Cath Kidston presents

And here are my pages, my toadstool paperclip is so cute and I had a few matching stickers too.  I can't believe I haven't done this theme before now!

My week in my Filofax #1

The first half of the week was quiet, we stayed at home watching Christmas telly and finishing off the tin of chocolates and Christmas cake.  It was just too cosy and warm inside to think about leaving the house especially as the weather was so bad - lots of rain and high winds.

Close up

By Thursday we had to leave the house for supplies but it wasn't so bad, the supermarket had reduced a lot of goodies so we got some bargains which made up for getting wet and blown around!

Close up

Yesterday something amazing happened, I got 1000 followers on Instagram!  I never thought I would get so many people following my account, it's kind of hard to get my head around but great.  The Instagram button on the right hand side of the screen will take you to my photos if you want to take a look.  
It is also time for another Yay, for Fridays! photo challenge, click the link for info on how to enter.  It is open to all planners and not just Filofaxes so anyone can join in and is a lot of fun.  I will be doing my usual round up post of my photos during the week so keep an eye out for that.

Thanks for reading and have a great week!

Thursday 2 January 2014

A look back at 2013

Last year I wrote myself a list of things I wanted to do to help me beat my January blues and to carry on throughout the year. 

This is my look back at 2013 how I did.

  • Be more organised.  Yes I think I managed this!  With the help of my Filofax (or two!) I was very organised last year.  My set up and planning style worked well for me so I will be sticking with it for this year too.  If it ain't broke... right?
  • Wear make up more often.  Erm.... nope, I still walked around some days without even a stroke of mascara!  I guess I feel like it is a waste of make up if I put it on when I'm not going anywhere and then the battle to remove it all before bed is just another hassle.  I do feel better about myself when I wear it though so maybe I should try again this year.
  • Take longer baths.  Ok so not every bath was as long and luxurious as I would have liked but I did manage more pampering ones than the year before so I can give this one a tick.
  • Paint my nails.  I  brought some pretty polishes last year and used them so I managed this one too.
  • Read more books.  I didn't keep a list of the books I read last year but off the top of my head I can think of nine.  There was five mysteries, two who dunits and two romantic comedies.  Even if I haven't forgotten any, I'm quite pleased with that number, it isn't as many as I used to read but it's a start.  This year I will aim for twelve.
  • Start drawing again.  I completely failed this one, the most I did was little doodles in my Filofax.  I just didn't find the time or the inspiration to do more.

I haven't written myself a list for this year yet, to be honest I'm still in Christmas holiday mode and not really thinking about the fact it is January but if I write one later in the month I will let you know!

Oh and a quick question! Do you like the new look of my blog? I felt like changing things up a bit and this is the result.  Please let me know if it is harder to read now, it looks ok on my computer and iPad but if it is a problem I will edit it again.
