
Monday, 26 May 2014

My week #21

I am so excited to show you this week's pages because I have been using the fabulous At Home Planner Stamp Set that Lesley from Annie's Paper Boutique sent me to try! 

My week in my Filofax #21

I have never used planning stamps in my Filofax before, I have only used ones for decorating my pages but after using these for a week I am hooked!  I like how they look on the page and font is similar to the one I use for the titles and pages on this blog so I like it a lot.

Close up

Close up

I have had fun this week making some bunny paper clips using Mrs Brimbles tutorial.  I could only find some green felt in my sewing box to start with so I made a zombie bunny!  After a bit of hunting around I found an old white baby vest so I cut it up and made a cute, alive, bunny too.  Then while I was browsing Instagram I came across a lady who had been making crochet flower paper clips so I made one of those as well.  I think they came out ok but.... well, the zombie one is my favourite.  I guess it is the Walking Dead fan inside of me!

Paper clips

Thanks for reading and have a great week!

Friday, 23 May 2014

Guest post by Mrs Brimbles

Let me introduce myself, my name is Anna but I am very often known in the Filofax and Journal world as Mrs Brimbles which is a nickname that kind of stuck when I married my husband. My husband and I were friends in school, high school sweethearts, and we ended up going to the same University in Cambridge although we read different subjects. I wasn't all that much into staionery back then, I just bought whatever note pads and pens were on offer in the student union shop!

We graduated in 2002 and on doing so, Jon's (Mr B) Dad presented us each with a present. Jon received a writing set with a Cross ball point pen and matching pencil and I received a matching ladies version of the same. I thought it a nice gift and was grateful but not one that particularly resonated with me back then. Jon's Dad told me that it is always good to have a nice pen to write with for special things or in a business meeting. I was kind of like 'yeah ok thanks' because at 21 I couldn't see it. That wasn't me back then.

Looking back now I can so totally see what he meant! I don't know if that is a sign of me getting older or just that my life has changed and now I love stationery and things like pen quality do matter to me now. My own Dad has a Mont Blanc pen and I didn't pay it much notice, I just always knew he had it in his briefcase and it made an appearance every now and then. Jon's Dad has lovely handwriting and writes calligraphy. I can see how much pride they have in the things that they write when they are using 'their' pen. That pen signified importance, pride, pleasure, sadness, happy times all the trials and tribulations that we go through in life. Their pens signed on dotted lines for houses, weddings, cars and then funerals. All walks of their life have seen them use their trusted pen.

I kind of got it but still not really. The Cross pen that I received was tucked away somewhere and sad to say I am afraid, forgotten. But then in the Summer of 2013 we moved house and in the unpacking of stuff I found our pens. Unfortunately we have seen many an elderly relative pass and I am always saddened by the little treasures they have kept, table wear and crockery etc that they have kept for 'one day' or 'for best' and sadly for them that day hasn't always come. I vowed when I opened that box that I would use my Cross pen and use it proudly.

Well here is a revelation that you are probably not surprised to hear. I love that pen. I love everything about it, everything it symbolises. It is sleek, elegant, comfortable to write with and is weighted so beautifully in the hand and above all else it writes so very smoothly, like butter. My pen sits so proudly in the pen loop of my A5 Apex Filofax, my daily go to, the keeper and organiser of my life. I hope one day that it is a Malden that it sits in but we can only hope!

That pen hasn't yet seen the highs and lows of my life (hopefully not too many of the lows though please, Universe!) but I know it is there, by my side just waiting to share what ever adventures are in store for me.

~ Thank you so much for writing this guest post for me Anna, I really enjoyed reading it! ~

Mrs Brimbles also has a YouTube channel, I watched a great video this morning on how to make a cute plushie bunny paper clip that I am definitely going to have a go at.  I know I have shared her Etsy shop link before but here it is again because it is full of planning and planner goodies that are very, very cute!  Keep an eye out for my review of the Filofax inserts she designs which I will be posting soon.


Monday, 19 May 2014

My week #20

I joined in with a game on Instagram last week, I was given the colour purple and had to take a planner related pic using that colour.  I decided to make it my theme for this week's pages.

My week in my Filofax #20

I thought I was going to have a quiet week but it ended up full of things I had to do.  There was still time for me to watch the season finales of Once Upon A Time and The Blacklist though so I was happy.

Close up

Close up

On Friday I received some things I am going to be reviewing soon from Mrs Brimbles, I can't wait to show you all the fab things she designs and makes!  I also got a fantastic set of planner stamps from Annie's Paper Boutique.  I have started using the stamps for next week's pages so you will see them then or you can get a sneak peak on Instagram now.

Thanks for reading and have a great week!

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Introducing... The Pen Company & a review of the Sheaffer VFM ballpoint in ultra mint

In my last post I mentioned I would be starting a couple of new features on this blog.  Today I am revealing the first!  During National Stationery Week I found some new companies so I thought I would write a series of posts introducing them and review some products I have either won or purchased from them.


The first retailer I am writing about is The Pen Company.  They are a family run online retailer based in Hitchin, Hertfordshire UK but they do ship internationally too.  

I won a Sheaffer VFM ballpoint pen from The Pen Company in a competition held through their Twitter account.  They also have a Facebook page and are readily available through both.  I like being able to tweet or post a message and get a quick response on social media.  They are also very active online and post interesting links and reviews so it is worth giving them a follow or a like.     

Sheaffer VFM ballpoint pen from The Pen Company

I was emailed by James at The Pen Company the day after I was announced as a winner (very quick customer service!) and I gave him my address details.  A couple of days later I received a second email which was a dispatch notice for my "order", again great service.  I do like a company who lets me know when my goods are on the way so I can start stalking my postman until they arrive.

The review

VFM stands for Vibrant, Fun and Modern and I think this sums up the range perfectly.  I love the simple but stylish design of the pen and the colour I received, ultra mint, is stunning!  

I decided to put the pen through it's paces by writing a quick review of it.  I found it to be comfortable to use and the ink flowed smoothly which is great, I can't stand a scratchy pen!   

Handwritten review

The pen is made from metal with a smooth lacquered finish and nickel plated trim.  It looks and feels a lot more expensive than it actually is.  I said in the handwritten review that the price is $19 (USD) but I forgot to deduct the VAT so it is approx $15 (USD) depending on the exchange rate and £10.95 here in the UK.  The website has a gadget at the top of the page to select the country you are in so you will get all the prices in the correct currency.

The VFM range is available in ballpoint, rollerball and fountain pens and comes in ten cool and contemporary colours:

  • Matte black
  • Neon blue
  • Ultra mint
  • Chilled blue
  • Strobe silver
  • Extreme purple
  • Excessive red
  • Radiant ruby
  • Ultimate plum
  • Maximum orange


  • smooth writing experience 
  • looks great, stylish and expensive
  • sits well in hand
  • nice reassuring click on the push button mechanism 
  • comes in a gift box
  • has a one year warranty 


  • Doesn't fit in the leather pen loops of my Filofaxes.

I feel like I am being a bit unfair with the con, the VFM wasn't designed with skinny pen loops in mind and it does fit in the elasticated loops but as most of you are Filofax users I did think I should mention it.  

In the gift box

Overall I really like this pen, it is easy to use and easy on the eye!  I would be happy to give one as a gift and just as happy to receive another one myself, I have the ultimate plum on my wishlist at the moment.

Thanks for reading!

*Disclaimer - the pen was given to me as a prize so I did not pay for it.  I was not paid to write this review and as always all opinions are honest and my own.  I am not affiliated with The Pen Company and will not receive any commission on any orders placed using the links on this post.

Monday, 12 May 2014

My week #19

I went with pretty pastel colours this week, I think they really complement the pink interior of my Willow filo.  I have been toying with the idea of moving back into my yellow Original but when it comes down to it I've stayed in the Willow because it is so pretty.  

My week in my Filofax #19

I have been very busy behind the scenes planning not one but two new features for this blog so it has been an exciting week for me.  Lots of emails going back and forth and ideas being discussed, I can't wait to get started!  Hopefully I will be able to tell you more later in the week.  Oooo I'm being all mysterious!  

Close up

Close up

On Thursday we adopted a rabbit called Ruby.  She is the sweetest little thing, I can't believe anyone would give her up to a charity but I am glad they did because now she is ours!  Isn't she cute!?


It has been years since I have taken care of a bunny so I will be adding a new section to my planner with lists of things she can and can't eat and other info I need to keep track of.  I might even decorate the pages with the white rabbit washi tape that I used for my Easter week last month.  I swear it is like having another child, there is so much to remember and do!  It's completely worth it though, she's great.

Thanks for reading and have a great week!

Monday, 5 May 2014

My week #18

I know I did an Alice in Wonderland theme not too long ago but when I brought these stickers, which I wrote about here, I just had to use them!

My week in my Filofax #18

It is a bank holiday here in the UK today and I am writing this post while sat on the grass in the garden watching my children play in the sunshine (some kind of pirate game if you were wondering).  I haven't spotted a white rabbit running anywhere yet but there are a couple of cats who are crazy enough to be related to the Cheshire Cat... or maybe Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dee.

Close up

I can see some roses starting to bloom.  They are pink and white though so I don't think the Queen of Hearts would be very happy with them!  I have also found some mushrooms in a dark corner at the back of the garden but there is no philosophical caterpillar sitting upon one.  That is probably a good thing.  I don't fancy being ask to recite "How doth the little crocodile improve his shining tail." or any other poems today.

Close up

I feel like watching the Tim Burton version of the movie tonight, I wish I had it on DVD.  Maybe I could watch last night's episode of Once Upon A Time instead.  I think swooning over Hook and Emma Swan would be a nice end to a lovely day.

#filophotofriday reminder

If you are taking part in #filophotofriday then the prompt for this Friday the 9th May is Cool.  You can find more information about the challenge here.

Have a great week!

Friday, 2 May 2014

April Filofax photo-a-day challenge, week four

Here are the photos I took for the final week of the challenge.  I'm so sad it is over already!

Day twenty-two - starts with B

These carrots are actually bubble bars from Lush.  You swish one around the water in your bath and they make lots of fun bubbles and smell very nice.

Day twenty-two - starts with B

Day twenty-three - a name

My name on my Cute Organizing dividers.  They are A5 size and I really miss seeing this view now I have downsized to personal size.

Day twenty-three - a name

Day twenty-four - throwback Thursday

A year ago I was using my A5 Apex and these are the pages I decorated that week.  Yup it's another Alice in wonderland theme!

Day twenty-four - throwback Thursday

Day twenty-five - LOL!

I don't know if it's the idea of carrying a lippie around on my keys or just how small and cute it is, I can't quite put my finger on why this mini lipstick amuses me but it does!

Day twenty-five - LOL!

Day twenty-six - before

When I started using a Filofax I just had this one and I loved it so much I ended up with...

Day twenty-six - before

Day twenty-seven - after

.... all these!

Day twenty-seven - after

Day twenty-eight - underneath and day twenty-nine - sentimental

I cheated and combined two days again!  This is my Malden underneath some things that make me sentimental.  The flowers are the rose buttonhole my husband wore on our wedding day and a carnation taken from my bouquet. The pebble and shell were things we found on the beach when we went for a walk along it after the ceremony.  I feel all mushy now.

Days twenty-eight & twenty-nine - underneath
& sentimental

Day thirty -  monochrome

A monochrome peak inside my pencil case and filo.

Day thirty - monochrome

So that is the challenge completed, thank you again to Carla from Yay, for Fridays! for arranging it all.  

If you want to join in a photo challenge this month check out my once a week one #filophotofriday for the information.
