
Sunday, 20 December 2015

My week #50

Hello again!  The second week of December was just as busy as the first but I didn't care because I had the most Christmasy planner pages ever!  Every time I opened my organiser to check what I had to do I felt so festive and excited that I powered through my to do lists easily.

My week #50

On Monday I put our Christmas tree up and covered the house in fairy lights and tinsel.  I love how it looks when it is all finished and I can sit down with a hot drink and enjoy feeling warm and cosy.  My current favourite is black cherry hot chocolate, it is delicious!  

Close up

Next month this blog will be three years old so I have been arranging some prizes to celebrate.  I will be running giveaways here on the blog, on my Facebook page and my Instagram account so make sure you are following them so you don't miss out!  There is also still time to enter my Japan Candy Box giveaway, you can find the details here.  

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Products used:
Van der Spek custom made organizers - 30mm standard size (personal)
Cloudy Cow Christmas mix washi tape

Saturday, 19 December 2015

My week #49

Eeeeek there's less than a week to go until Christmas and I am so excited!  Back in November I decorated all of my December pages in advance and that made me feel very festive and organised.   

My week #49

I knew that I would have lots of things to do so I made sure I stamped plenty of check boxes for my lists.  I also left a lot of space for my notes and reminders because December tends to be quite a busy month.  There is always a concert or three going on and performances, plays and fairs to attend so I need to note them down or I would forget.  

Close up

Close up

Products used:
Van der Spek custom made organizers - 30mm standard size (personal)
Washi tapes are old ones from my collection
Red ribbon 

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Japan Candy Box review and giveaway!

Who likes sweets?  Me too!  Well the lovely people at Kawaii Box also sell a product called Japan Candy Box which is full of exotic treats.  They asked me if I would like to review a box for them and run a giveaway so one of you could try a box too!  Of course I said yes!   

I was really excited when the box arrived and couldn't wait to see what was inside!  Be warned this is a very picture heavy post....

Cute tissue paper and thank you card


You get between 8 and 10 items in each box and subscriptions start from a one of box through to a 12 month plan.  You can see all the options and prices here.

Mmmm it all looks good!

I got ten treats in my box and they all looked really interesting!

The rest of the treats

The first thing I tried was these cute Lotte Koala March Biscuits.  They have a crisp biscuit shell and a nice milk chocolate filling.  I really liked them, they are very moreish!

Lote Koala March Biscuits

Next was some Bourbon Petit White Chocolate stuffed cookies, these are really tasty!  The biscuit part reminds me of viennese whirls and even though I'm not a fan of white chocolate the filling was nice and creamy without being too sweet.

Bourbon Petit White Chocolate Stuffed Cookies

The Pocky Panda Cookie Sticks are similar to Mikado which are a favourite in this house.  I think these ones are cookies and cream flavour and they get two thumbs up from me!

Pocky Panda Cookie Sticks

When I first saw these I thought they were supposed to be pink doughnuts but when I checked the card I saw they were Strawberry Whistle Candy.  You hold the sweet up to your lips and blow through the hole and they do make a whistling sound!  My children loved these, especially my four year old who can't whistle yet. The little blue dog figure is the prize that came in the box with the sweets.  

Coris Strawberry Whistle Candy 

The Meiji Juice Gummies are very orangy and refreshing.  It was nice to try something so fruity after all the biscuits I had eaten. 

Meiji Juice Gummies

I am not a fan of mango.  I like the smell but I've never really liked the taste so I didn't think I was going to like the Puccho Mango Chew Candy but I did.  They taste kind of like peach to me but they are very, very chewy.  You feel like your mouth has had a workout after eating one of these!

Puccho Mango Chewy Candy

Meiji Mini Candy tastes just like Smarties or M&M's, they are candy shells filled with chocolate and quite nice.  You can't go wrong with that combination in my opinion.

Meiji Mini Candy Pack 

The Puccho Awawawa Ball Candy was a big hit!  They are really sour at first, after that wears off it is a nice grape flavour.  They are also quite hard so you have to suck them for a while before you can bite them open.  In the centre is a chewy grape flavour filling that was a bit of a surprise.  I love sour sweets so these are great!

Puccho Awawawa Ball Candy

Hands up, I will admit I'm not sure what to do with this kit!  There are instructions on the back of the packet but they are written in Japanese and I can't quite figure out what to do just using the illustrations.  It looks like a fun kit but until I work it out I can't say how good it is!

Kracie Popin' Cookin' DIY Takoyaki set

I didn't really like these biscuits.  The packaging is very cute but they remind me of Rusks baby biscuits and I've not liked those since I was a toddler!  They aren't horrible though, just a bit plain.  

Takedo Tamago Boro Egg Cookies

Ok, so if you like what you see why not enter the giveaway below to win your own Japan Candy Box?

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck!

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

My week #48

If you have been reading this blog for a while you might already know that I am a little obsessed with foxes!  I saw this cute washi tape on Etsy a while ago and thought it was a perfect match for the felt fox paper clip I had made myself.   

My week #48

It was a nice quiet week for me which was lucky as I was poorly.  I am feeling a lot better now though and to celebrate I will be launching a giveaway later today!  If you have a sweet tooth then you are in for a treat! 

Close up

Close up

Friday, 4 December 2015

Planner Friday - December

It's Christmas! Well, no it's not but it will be soon! I am celebrating the first week of December with a little festive Planner Friday post over on Twine it up with Trendy Twine today...

 It's here, it's finally December and I can let all my festive spirit out!  I absolutely love this time of year and I reflect that in my planner pages. 
I have a million and one things to do in preparation of the big day but I don't feel stressed because I have a to do list (or three!) to help me stay on track!

You can read the rest of my post here.

Thanks for stopping by!