
Tuesday, 13 August 2019

World Calligraphy Day 2019 - Get involved!

Tomorrow is World Calligraphy Day!  To give you a little history, it was started by Manuscript back in 2017 and it is a great way to meet people who share your interest, learn some new skills and have fun!

World Calligraphy Day art

The Pen Museum will be hosting their third annual event to mark the occasion and there are still tickets available (here) but if Birmingham is too far away then you can join in online with the tags #worldcalligraphyday and #saysomethingspecial.  There are also some craft projects you can try on the Manuscript website ranging from card making to storybooks for children which you can find here as well as some templates and worksheets to help you with your penmanship.

To get you in the mood here are some photos from the last two World Calligraphy Day celebrations at the Pen Museum!


Some lovely writing by one of the guests

Calligraphy & card making workshop with Stephen Duckett

My Celtic letter D for my card

My 1st wax seal

Letters for the say something special campaign


Gift bags from Manuscript for workshop attendees 

The worksheets we used

Practising modern calligraphy

Make sure you are following Manuscript on FacebookTwitter and Instagram to get involved online and my social media links are on the top left hand side of this page (in desktop view) and on the contact me page if you're not following already.

I'm so excited for tomorrow, I can't wait to see what everyone gets up to!

(Sorry I've been absent, my trusty old laptop died and I was unable to post anything until I got a replacement!)