I really enjoy taking part in Yay, for Fridays! photo challenge every three months. I have flirted with others in the past but I find doing monthly challenges one after another too much of a hassle and it stops being fun. This is where the idea for a once a week challenge came from. It should be easy enough to take a photo when you have a spare five minutes, a good idea and the right lighting (or is that just me? It's been so dark here recently!) during the week and then post it on Friday with the hashtag #filophotofriday on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter. I hope it will be a fun way to share photos of our planners without being too much of a chore.
I thought the first Friday in February would be a good day to start so here are the prompts for the first month of this challenge.
Everyone with any kind of planner is welcome to join in and I hope to see some of your photos next week!
Who wants to play?